Case studies

Lumleys compound batch plant and borrow site

Lumleys, NSW

The challenge

In the midst of one of the worst drought seasons in 100 years, EnviroStraw was approached to rehabilitate and beautify the hillside slope of a quarry site in northern New South Wales following major roadworks.

The solution

Noting the highly disturbed soils on site, our team acted quickly to implement the six EnviroStraw Biogrowth™ Regenerative Soil Remediation and Revegetation Program principles:

  • Assess and design: Performed soil testing and site investigation. Determined topsoil was available.
  • Ameliorate subsoil with calcium plus and carbon plus, ripped into the subsoil. layer and placed topsoil over the top to 100mm thickness.
  • Seedbed preparation: performed track rolling.
  • Hydromulch: Aimed for 100% soil surface coverage with EnviroMatrix biotic growth medium, plus EnviroBond long-term storm guard polymer.
  • Seed selection: Cover crop species with native species was chosen.
  • Irrigate: Non-watering program implemented.

During August and September 2018, our team laid the groundwork for the project, which included topsoil placement, seedbed preparation and hydromulching.

The results

Despite the extremely hot, bone-dry conditions, it wasn’t long before the BioGrowth™ Regenerative principles, practices and products delivered the desired outcome: 100 per cent erosion control and successful native vegetation establishment.

Widespread germination took place after natural rain events in mid-November 2018. In the months that followed, the worst drought in 100 years hit the area until summer rains finally arrived on site in late February, which kick started the recovery process when full revegetation occurred with native species establishing.