Soil science blog

Read the latest news and insights from Australia's leading soil scientists.


Self-sustaining revegetation programs

In case you missed it, in October last year we published an article on the IECA website, which...


A snapshot of EnviroStraw’s successful outcomes

At EnviroStraw, we thrive on seeing plant-life regenerate on sites that have implemented our...


How the BioGrowth™ program complements native seed germination

EnviroStraw's Australian-made BioGrowth™ program regenerates vegetation on your site whilst...


The role of environmentally responsible inputs on project sites

EnviroStraw’s innovative use of biodegradable and compostable materials, such as wheat straw,...


How do I implement the BioGrowth™ program on my site?

EnviroStraw's BioGrowth™ program is a sustainable and innovative solution for sites requiring...


Fire ants and the law: why you need EnviroStraw hydromulch

If you’re using hydromulch on your projects, you may have heard talk about fire ant...


Carbon capture & BioGrowth™

The effectiveness of BioGrowth™ in revegetation and carbon sequestration EnviroStraw, a leader...


The hidden heroes of plant health – soil microbes

The key role that microbes play in successful revegetation outcomes on disturbed mine site and...


The biodegradable, non-toxic solution to erosion control

EnviroBond is the ultimate solution for soil stabilisation, mulch binding, and dust suppression...


BioGrowth™ – A re-generative re-vegetation program

Our advanced revegetation program, BioGrowth™, paired with its associated products and...


The benefits of BioGrowth™ in carbon trading

Carbon trading is a system in which companies and individuals can buy/sell carbon credits, which...


The Hydromulch Showdown – Straw’s Clear Advantage Over Wood Fibre

  From wood fibre to straw, its materials are more effective at retaining moisture and preventing...