Case studies

See our tried-and-tested products delivering outstanding results to sites across Australia.

Highway Roadside Revegetation, SA

HGM hydromulch provided great outcomes at two sites with disturbed soil.

Adelaide, SA

In less than 90 days, thriving grass became evident as a result of applying EnviroStraw's winning solution, BFM Complete.

Canberra, ACT

EnviroStraw provided the perfect solution with BFM Complete, a single-bag product.

Tabulam, NSW

Our team applied EnviroMatrix ECM + EnviroBond to provide a solution that would not require the carting and spreading of topsoil onsite.

Central NSW

Our team applied EnviroMatrix ECM + EnviroBond to provide a long-term, self-sustaining solution that required minimal maintenance.

Lamington National Park Road, O’Reilly’s, QLD

Deep in the Gold Coast hinterland, our team treated an eroded roadside batter with disturbed soil with a combination of EnviroMatrix and EnviroBond soil stabiliser.

Pimlico, NSW

Our revegetation project that followed on from the Pacific Complete highway upgrade was so successful, it’s now hard to tell anything ever happened here.

Sunshine Coast, QLD

The BioGrowth Regenerative Revegetation program performs well on a rock batter.

Aratula, QLD

The Aratula, QLD case study demonstrates the two-pronged approach we often take when it comes to revegetating storm-prone sites.

Lumleys, NSW

EnviroStraw was approached to rehabilitate and beautify the hillside slope of a quarry site in northern New South Wales.

Beijing, China

In 2022 Beijing will host the XXIV Olympic Winter Games, and EnviroStraw’s distributor, NMT, was engaged to assist with designing a solution to revegetating extremely steep, rock-face slopes.

Canungra, QLD

R Johnson Contracting asked EnviroStraw to make a recommendation for the application of a hydromulch medium on a newly constructed fire-trail, which was developed around a housing development project at Finch Road, Canungra.

Binna Burra, QLD

Main Roads Gold Coast contracted us to effectively revegetate an area of extremely unstable steep slopes, with little or no topsoil, just below Binna Burra Lodge in the Gold Coast hinterland.

Zunyi, China

This project was certainly a challenge from start to finish. The slope angle was not only extreme but the substrate was rock and very susceptible to erosion.

Maules Creek, NSW

Severely eroded batter at a railway track at the Maules Creek mine site was in dire need of reclamation to prevent further damage and decomposition.