Soil science blog

Success on any soil

The team at EnviroStraw was engaged by our client to solve their significant revegetation project on a road construction site in Northern NSW.

With a broken rock subsoil, a 2H-1V slope and one of the hottest and driest summer’s on record, the revegetation growth is nothing short of outstanding and gives further evidence to EnviroStraw’s advanced soil science and world class Biotic Growth products.

Our image shows the slope after just sixteen months of growth and minimal water only from natural rain events. Included in the regeneration project were eighteen native plant species, including native grasses and fast growing acacias. This rapid growth under challenging environs provided our client with a great outcome in a short period of time and continues to impress them as the vegetation flourishes.

Developed in the laboratory and validated in field on any kind of soil, the EnviroStraw team is ready to assist you with your revegetation project.

For a no obligation proposal, contact EnviroStraw on 0409 677 449 or email on

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