Landfill waste poses a major threat to the environment – one that goes deep beyond the earth’s surface.
Over time, the toxic substances which are often present in waste leach into soil and groundwater, with far-
reaching consequences for natural produce and the humans and animals that consume it.
The EnviroStraw team is committed to counteracting these challenges at multiple touchpoints through
sustainable manufacturing methods. Our hydromulch range uses a two-pronged approach to waste
management – single-bag solutions incorporate waste materials diverted from landfill and shorten straw
stubble without burning, preventing the release of nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus into the atmosphere.
By choosing EnviroStraw
Industry-leading products made in and for Australia
EnviroStraw’s award-winning range of products has been delivering outstanding results to disturbed soil up and down the country –
re-establishing grasses and native vegetation where others can’t. Biodegradable, highly water-efficient and able to regenerate even
the most challenging sites, EnviroStraw’s range delivers long-term, self-sustaining solutions.