Latest News From EnviroStraw
Hear the most recent developments from the EnviroStraw lab and field testing
Think straw for superior revegetation results
At EnviroStraw, we are proud to produce world-leading, award-winning, high quality innovative revegetation products and…
Kick start the process of nature
The majority of revegetation projects involve highly disturbed, unbalanced, nutrient- or carbon-deficient soils. While it’s…
Cover crops 101: how they work and why your next revegetation program needs them
The use of cover crops dates back to ancient Roman, Chinese and Indian civilisations, and…
Think straw for a better start: why sites using straw hydromulch are outperforming those that don’t
The vegetative growth you generate on site is heavily influenced by the products you use,…
How to weed out undesirable plant species in your revegetation projects
When natural ecological systems are disturbed, it activates specific recovery processes which can send weed…
Raindrops “like tiny bombs” threaten soil stability
The effects of the recent heavy rains have been felt across Australia’s East Coast, creating…
Why straw-based hydromulch is better for the environment and your bottom line
A revolutionary innovation that offers superior coverage, seed protection, moisture retention and erosion control, straw-based…
4 revegetation products that give you a competitive edge
Are you on a mission to provide your clients with superior revegetation project outcomes? Adopting…
The Aussie answer to the hydromulch shortage
Since its beginning in February 2022, the war in Ukraine has had a ripple effect…
Protect your business from the fertiliser price-rise
The war in Ukraine has led to EU sanctions against Russia, driving up fertiliser prices…
How bioenergetic microbes rebuild disturbed construction site soils faster
The revegetation industry is constantly growing and changing, and there’s never a shortage of new…
From waste to vegetation: our new cellulose range
Landfill waste is an ongoing problem that poses a serious threat to our native environment…