Latest News From EnviroStraw
Hear the most recent developments from the EnviroStraw lab and field testing
Controlling erosion using ‘regenerative agriculture’ principles
You may have recently heard of ‘regenerative agriculture’ (made famous by US soil-health pioneer Gabe…
Why your choice of hydromulch is crucial to your bottom line
At EnviroStraw, we’re always challenging ourselves to make our products better – and that includes…
Gain environmental credits by reducing your carbon emissions and water use on site
On any revegetation project, machinery is required at some point to complete the job. EnviroStraw’s…
Introducing BFM Complete: just add seed and spray!
New from the global leaders in microbial revegetation comes EnviroStraw BFM Complete – an all-in-one…
Why it matters and what to do if your on-site soil is low in carbon
When it comes to a successful revegetation program, soil carbon levels are vitally important. On-site…
Activating microbes so they can work their soil magic
The secret to activating newly added microbes in the soil is simple. Just add water….
Choosing the right combination of microbes
Now that you’ve prepared your soil to encourage microbial activity (see our previous blog), it’s…
How to encourage beneficial microbial activity in soil
As discussed in part one, earthworks can destroy soil health and the soil microbiome. This…
Why beneficial microbes are crucial to rebuilding disturbed soils
Once a mining site or infrastructure project is complete, re-establishing the vegetation on the desolate…
Using imported topsoil? Buyer beware
On a roadworks project near Brisbane recently, tonnes of topsoil were imported in an effort…
Webinar | Optimising revegetation of highly disturbed soils on mine sites and construction sites
EnviroStraw’s latest webinar on optimising revegetation of highly disturbed soils on mine sites and construction…
Innovative EnviroBond polymer products setting new industry standards
EnviroStraw specialises in supplying high-quality, independently tested and outcome-focused products to the erosion control industry,…